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Poster:Post date:2016-06-02
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"Murakami Haruki research series" The forth series of published papers 



1.   purposethe published papers should be accorded with the theme of "the order of Murakami Haruki".The papaers we need which is based on Murakami Haruki study. From different fields of study with a dare to break the old thinking,constructive,innovative point of view of academic research papers.

2.   Qualification: only the pubilsher,  the speakers and the roundtable participant  in" the fifth International Conference of  Murakami Haruki on 2016" 

3.   Title: the title or the content of the the papers should be related to " the order of Murakami Haruki".The title or subtitle have to be bound up with  "Murakami Haruki", and presents the "order" of the word. 

4.    Language limited : written in Japanese, English, Chinese.For the beautiful of the publication, please try to choose Japanese to write it.

5.    Deadline: October 31,2016  

6.    Review system and review feein order to enhance the trust of the series in the academia, we set up a rigorous review system for the papers.The contributors should pay the review fee (2,000NTD,8,000JPY,65USD)We'll invite two experts to review the paper. If you need to send the papaer to the third scholars,our center will 若須送第三位專家學者審查時,將由本中心負擔第三人審查費用1000 The paper which got recommended from the review system,it will be published in this series of books.


7.   Attentionthis series' theme is "the order of Murakami Haruki" ,為提升專書的品質與整體性,凡與「村上春樹における秩序」主題不符者,或於該論文內文中未明確定義「秩序義性」或闡述太過籠統者。將於初審階段以不符本叢書的出刊主旨而與予退稿。敬請見諒

8.      稿件送達方式:恕無法以郵局寄送或電子郵件傳送方式受理。請於期限內將投稿論文上傳至本村上春樹研究中心網頁     http://www.harukistudy.tku.edu.tw/sem/actnews.php?Sn=33


9.      稿費支付原則:獲推薦刊登的論文者,將不支付稿費,而改以贈送該叢書3冊致謝。

10.  撰寫格式請參考叢書撰寫範例(如附件資料)為求達到符合學術論文撰寫的高標準,將此項列為初審階段評審的標準之一。

11.  交付著作權同意書:獲推薦刊登的論文者,請於期限內交付「著作權同意書」一式。

12.  出刊日期:『村上春樹研究叢書』第4輯預定於20176月出刊。

13.  審查費郵寄地址以及詢問處


 251 台灣 新北市淡水區英專路151號 淡江大學村上春樹研究中心


    落合由治老師(日本語)  098194@mail.tku.edu.tw

王嘉臨老師(中国語)   137176@mail.tku.edu.tw


+886-2-2621-5656内線3590(周助理) 2492(王老師)

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Last modification time:2016-09-20 PM 12:02


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